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Tag: relationship
A relationship is the way two people are connecting. Yoga therapy is a tool you can use to enrich your relationship with your partner.
Yoga Therapy For Couples
Couples yoga therapy is for two people in a relationship who want to use a body based approach to strengthen and enrich their relationship. A body based approach allows you both to connect mind and body and to see your relationship and your self within that relationship from a different and new perspective. This new lens gives you fresh insights into your relationship which you can use going forward.
A relationship is the connection between two people. The health and strength of that connection determines the state of the relationship.
Couples yoga therapy is a way to help you strengthen and enrich your relationship.
Here are 10 reasons you should try couples yoga therapy
1. Strengthen your relationship
When you have a couples yoga therapy session you work on breath work, mindful movement, and embodied awareness. This practice lets you to see yourself, your partner, and your relationship from a fresh perspective. What stands out during a session can help you gain new insights into your bond and can ultimately allow you to work towards strengthening your relationship.
2. Improve your communication
Healthy relationships are built on good communication. To communicate well you must also listen. Listening is about understanding what your partner is trying to communicate to you. In couples yoga therapy you work together and practice communicating with each other.
3. Spend some time with each other
Spending time with together means you have shared experiences. This will strengthen the bonds of your relationship. Life gets busy. It’s easy to put your relationship on the back burner. Carving out “us” time sets the intention to spend quality time with your partner.
4. Create together
Creating something together can be a powerful experience. Making yoga poses together can make you laugh and sometimes make you cry but the experience is something you get to share. The yoga poses in couples yoga therapy are created by you both as you come together to form one pose. You co-create a shape by communicating with your partner and together you find the shape that works for you both.
5. Connect deeply with your bodies
When you connect with your body in a yoga pose, you notice thoughts, feelings, and emotions. During a couples yoga therapy session, you will be coached to become embodied in your poses. Embodiment is when you are in a state of focused awareness, feeling fully present and grounded in your body. Here you connect deeply with your body and can deepen your connection with your partner.
6. Rediscover intimacy
When you create poses together you see each other in a new light. You might be reminded of your partner’s positive qualities. Their strength, their humor, or their ability to be vulnerable. Being together, breathing together, supporting and being supported creates a special sort of intimacy.
7. Learn how to set boundaries
Setting boundaries gives you the space you need, to flourish. In a relationship setting boundaries allows each partner to carve out the space they need for their mental and emotional well-being. By setting boundaries you know when to walk away from a toxic situation. In a yoga therapy session you practice setting boundaries. You experience the felt sense of boundaries. When stopping before a stretch is beyond your limits. Reigning back if you feel you have gone a little far in a posture. Or experiencing the feeling of space and freedom in some poses. Having a felt sense in your body can help reinforce a behavior.
8. Just be
Being able to just be with what is. Being accepting of yourself for who you are. Accepting your partner for who they are. Accepting the situation you are in right now. Seeing things for what they truly are, and letting go of judgment and ego. From this new stance you can make healthy changes and move forward in a meaningful way. Accepting limitations of flexibility, strength and balance is all part of the yoga practice. What you practice on the mat you can take away with you and use in your life.
9. Release trauma
In a yoga therapy session, you may notice thoughts, feelings, and emotions while you are in a posture. This is because our bodies, minds, and nervous systems have been present throughout our whole lived experience, so it is not surprising that some events from our past may still be residing in our body. The more embodied you are, the deeper you have dropped in, the more likely it is that emotions will surface. Couples yoga therapy is a safe space for you and your partner to explore what comes up for each of you during a session.
10. Learn to love yourselves
The yoga mat is a great place to remind yourself that your body and mind are strong. Here you may experience gratitude for your body, and appreciation for the breath that keeps you steady and grounded.
Why not book a session?
What is Couples Yoga Therapy?
What exactly is couples yoga therapy?
Well unlike regular couples therapy sessions. Couples yoga therapy is when two people in a relationship want to use a body-based approach to enriching or improving that relationship. Unlike talk therapy which relies on conversation to gain perspective, a somatic approach connects the mind and body. Allowing you to see your relationship from a new perspective, and gain new insights.
Another way to communicate
Communicating is all about sharing information and feelings. In a session I direct embodied experience, you connect deeply with your body and with each other. You share any thoughts, feelings, and emotions that may come up. I will hold space for you both. And offer you the necessary tools to help you share your experience
What is a relationship?
A relationship is the coming together of two people, to form an “us”. For a relationship to be strong it needs to be nurtured.
You can feed your relationship with
- Understanding
- Love
- Communication
A relationship will struggle if
- You deprive it of love and understanding.
- You communicate poorly
- You are critical of each other
- You show contempt
- You are defensive
- There is distance between you
Why should you try couples yoga therapy?
- You are together but you feel disconnected
- There’s no sparkle
- You don’t feel compatible
- You’ve both tuned out
- The relationship feels stuck
- You are putting issues on the back burner till your family/career/ needs are met
- You give excuses to avoid intimacy
- You want to enrich your already great relationship
What are the benefits?
We know from research that body-based work can decrease stress, reduce the symptoms of depression, and alleviate anxiety. The pairs yoga poses can enhance intimacy, improve your relationship and help cultivate compassion.
With a couples yoga therapy session you can
- Reconnect with your partner
- Rediscover intimacy
- Find new ways to communicate
- Carve out “us” time
An embodied approach gives you a new way to examine the same problems and issues. It lets you shift your perspective and ultimately leads to powerful and healthy change.
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