Tag: childs pose

Childs pose is a yoga pose that releases your lower back. Is a good counter pose to use after cobra pose.

  • Yoga for Pickleball

    Yoga for Pickleball

    Pickleball is the new sport that is spreading like crazy. It’s easy to pick-up and great fun. Rackets are light and courts are small, but that still doesn’t stop those pesky injuries. Here are some yoga poses I think are great for your pre-hab (exercise to do to stop injuries and needing re-hab).

    Best of luck and let me know in the comments how they work out for you.

    Pickleball is fun, social and friendly! The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a fast-paced, competitive game.

    USA Pickleball

    How does yoga help with pickleball?

    1. Improve your flexibility

    Yoga poses stretch your muscles and tendons. With time and by repeating your yoga practice, you notice you become much much more flexible. Better flexibility will improve your range of motion. 

    When your range of motion improves you will be reaching balls you couldn’t get to before. You’ll find it easier to get to overhead balls and get down to those low balls too. With a full range of motion, you can twist more easily and be more nimble getting around the court. 

    2. Prevent getting injured

    Your knees, hips, shoulders, and backs, can all take a beating. Ankles can get twisted and wrists might start to complain too. Yoga helps your joints by strengthening the muscles around them. Pre-game yoga poses and stretching will improve the blood flow to your muscles. This helps to prevent muscle soreness and stiffness and help with muscle repair and recovery. 

    Some yoga poses like triangle pose are weight bearing and are super for working to prevent osteoporosis but increasing bone density.

    3. Improve your balance and posture

    Yoga poses help improve balance and posture. Better posture means you prevent your joints from overloading and helps prevent injury.

    Lots of yoga poses need you to have good balance, Each time you are wobbling and righting yourself you are working your core muscles and all the small muscles as well.

    4. Improve your focus

    Yoga allows you to find mental clarity. During poses you practice intentional breathing, mindful movements, and you connect with your body. You start to notice improved focus and calm over time. Remember to try some deep, calming breaths before a serve next time you are on the pickleball court. This lets you to settle and become more focused. 

    Yoga poses for pickleball

    Yoga poses for pickleball players

    Here are some poses for you to try. Never stretch beyond your limits. You may notice an element of slight discomfort but you should not feel pain. Yoga is a balance of effort and ease, you should always be able to breathe comfortably in the poses.

    1. Cow Cat

    Releases tension in your spine and hips. Great after a long pickleball game.

    Cow cat pose

    2. Down Dog

    Stretches the back of your legs and back, strengthens your arms, shoulders and legs. Is weight bearing.

    Downward facing dog pose

    3. Cobra

    Stretches your psoas, and hip flexors, strengthens your back and glutes.

    Cobra pose

    4. Childs Pose

    A counter pose after cobra, this stretches out your lower back. Again super nice after a pickleball game if you feel it in your back.

    Childs pose

    5. Side Plank

    Is a weight bearing pose. Strengthens your arms, shoulders and core & helps with your balance.

    Side plank

    6. Twisted Triangle

    is also weight bearing. Works on your balance, strengthens your legs and core, opens up your chest and shoulders.

    Twisted triangle

    7. Tree Pose

    This is great for balance, your core strength and leg strength & working on sharpening your focus.

    Tree pose

    8. Pigeon Pose

    This is a great hip opener.

    Pigeon pose

    9. Bridge

    Strengthens your glutes, back and core

    Bridge pose

    10. Supine Twist

    Releases tension in your lower back.

    Supine twist

    11. Legs up the Wall

    A gentle inversion and a stretch for your back and legs, good for tired feet and legs after a game.

    Legs up the wall pose

    Why pickleball loves yoga

    Yoga can improve your pickleball game. You will notice increased flexibility, more strength, and improved focus. Also a regular yoga practice means lowered stress levels, feeling more relaxed, and increased general wellbeing.

    Why not book a yoga therapy session with me